Performing Arts
Appreciating Human Capital - Live!
In today’s business environment, we often see cost-cutting in terms of layoffs. But each day, companies are losing talent, institutional knowledge, and ultimately – money. The key to unlocking impactful and sustainable gains lies in an intangible asset that’s not even on a company’s balance sheet. This performance will showcase how to change your way of thinking to ensure you’re capturing the true value of these intangible assets.
This live performance is inspired by Dave Bookbinder in The NEW ROI: Return on Individuals. Produced by 29Bison and Homeward Bound , this powerhouse group of individuals have created an experience to illustrate how to maximize the ROI on your most valuable and intangible asset.
Appreciating Human Capital – Live! includes the following four vignettes:

Susan, a recently acquired and highly talented IT professional, is trying to find her way in a new role, with her new boss, Roger. Ellen, a long-time employee of the acquiring company works alongside Susan and shares her ‘survival’ tips for success with the organization and under Roger’s watchful, obtuse, and eccentric leadership style.
Two lab-based employees become aware of data corruption, document falsification, etc. in their product development laboratory. They have discovered incriminating evidence, including photographs of badly burned teenagers whose injuries are somehow related to the company’s products. When the scientists attempt to report their findings to a journalist, the would-be ‘journalist’ turns out to be a leader in the Company’s Corporate Security department who, while attempting to foil their whistleblowing activities becomes convinced that some action needs to be taken to address the whistleblowers’ concerns.

This Machine
In an effort to meet the deal-related synergy targets, the acquiring organization eliminates the position of a 25+ year-long machine operator. The operator shares her relationship with the machine, as she grapples with the impact and implications of losing her job and seeking to find meaning, identity, and hope in her new reality.
The audience will witness the power of this story, while also being connected to the financial/economic implications of letting a highly- qualified, unique and irreplaceable talent go in an ill-advised effort to ‘reduce headcount’.
Martha is a very talented member of the organization. As a result of the acquisition, her role is being moved to Philadelphia. The talent acquisition team has been working with Martha, who in turn, tries to convince her husband, Brent to relocate for this ‘opportunity’.
Martha and Brent grapple with their emotions as they each try to see the situation from each other’s viewpoint. Asking for support services from the Company becomes an impossible conversation. HR has no idea that the relocation may fail or, why

Interested in a production of Appreciating Human Capital – Live! for your next conference or corporate event? Contact us today!
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