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People Economics

“The author presents the intellectual landscape of these issues with impressive clarity, discussing complex concepts with a minimum of technical jargon and a maximum of accessibility. Also, she makes a powerful argument for a broader view of value creation simply from the perspective of the “material difference to organizations” it delivers. “ – Kirkus Reviews

This book shatters the barriers between traditional Finance and Human Resources by demonstrating that People Economics is a win-win for both companies and their employees.  There have been many attempts to bring clarity to the term ‘human capital’, People Economics breaks through with common language and a relevant framework.  The stories, real-life examples and calculable metrics provide tangible ways to bring human capital measurement to life. 

ESG and sustainability reporting, corporate transparency and disclosure of human capital measures are rapidly gaining prominence for investors, analysts, regulators and consumers.  The United States lags other nations in this field; People Economics offers a path to rapidly accelerate understanding of this complex and challenging arena.  It is an essential reference for investors, executives, human resources and finance professionals, and business educators.

Featured Whitepaper

People alpha:

Identifying Where the Workforce Fits into PE's Return Equation

Human Capital Management is not HR; those who recognize the difference can leverage a toolkit for growth they never knew existed.

Warren Buffett probably has fewer regrets than most investors. During Berkshire Hathaway’s Investor Day five years ago, he conceded one of his biggest faults is that he moves too slowly to make personnel changes. Anyone who follows private equity knows he’s not alone. What’s odd is that despite the challenges to get the “people” component right – and the costly disruptions when GPs don’t – the prevailing approach when selecting leadership, professionalizing businesses, and then motivating the workforce remains an art rather than a science. In fact, human capital is one of the few areas left in which sponsors will rely solely on their guts even when the numbers continually prove their instincts to be wrong.

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