Featured Podcast

How The Deal Was Done
How the Deal Was Done
Already acclaimed in boardrooms the world over, How the Deal was Done, brings together the most interesting and candid deal-makers in investment history.
Characterizing the men and women who have conquered the capital markets, finding new opportunities in the immense landscape of buy-outs, roll-ups, consolidations, recapitalizations, divestitures and bolt-ons. These are the sagas of adventurers, opportunists, geniuses and flops. The good and the bad. Tales of notorious desperadoes, lawyers, investment bankers, regulators, and pioneers. The large and the small. Courageous entrepreneurs and fool-hardy gamblers. How the Deal Was Done startles your ears with the spectacle of glorious frontiers, calls to adventure, and promising opportunities lost in the raging rapids of deal making. These breathtaking, true-life, tales are the most fabulous conceived from any standpoint!
Each episode of How the Deal Was Done podcast will lead the listener through a fun, interesting, sometimes wild and wooly situation guests have experienced during their time as a deal-maker.
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